Pax Fortuna! is a comedy-fantasy roleplaying podcast. In the merchant republic of Fortuna, there are no kings and no knights, only the levelling honesty of gold. Our heroes must beat, bluff and blunder their way through an array of sticky situations and shady characters.
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Pax Fortuna’s first season was released weekly between July and December 2019, comprising of six adventures over 26 episodes. Each adventure is a high-octane romp featuring players from The Infinite Bad, as well as new players and guests from other Definitely Human shows.
Follow Pax Fortuna! on Twitter @VisitFortuna.
Maxamillian John – Writer and Gamemaster
Tom Dalling – Tony the Shrimp
Jade Fitton – Joanie Formantelli
Charlie May – Abstinence de Montfault
Harry May – Alfonso Boyo
David Knight – Selwyn Bloodstorm
Eleanor Koller – Almira Q Appleby
Giorgio Mariani – Father Theobold Brandlebury
David Price – Luca from Tuca
Elizabeth Smyth – Sir Victor Bartelemi
Matthew Woodcock – Nikolaus Flyte
Written by Maxamillian John.
Produced and edited by Tom Dalling, Maxamillian John and David Knight.
Artwork by Eric Chow.